November 30, 2010

Cosine presents: A Second Function

Second Cosine event at Pocket Bar, Darlinghurst this evening, courtesy of Mr. Costa Vakas. 6pm start. After last month's packed-out art extravaganza be sure to head down early to grab a free beer and some cut price fine art!

Fresh from the launch of Vol. 3, cosine now presents to you your new monthly gallery - A Second Function - exhibiting in Sydney's most prominent small bar, Pocket.

Come down on the first day of Summer from 6pm and enjoy complimentary Tigers and Monteiths cider as well as new and exciting works from more of Sydney's emerging artists and designers, featuring:

- Kevin Tran
- Beth Dillon
- Ben Marriott
- Madeleine Love
- Le Pie
- Brad Robson
- Emma Sailah
- Chanon
- Costa Vakas & Alex Rahr collab

All art will be for sale during the exhibition so be sure not to miss these exciting and original works!

Get closer to cosine by:

- following cosine on Twitter: @cosine_online

- connecting to cosine on Facebook:

- experiencing cosine's website/blog:

November 8, 2010

Appreciating People who Appreciate Art Camouflage Suit

Here are some pics from the APAACS users' guide. My favourite is the Post-Menopausal Art Appreciator, check out the shower cap and polyfill wig. When funds are running low, verisimilitude goes out the window.


Cosine Vol. 3

Cosine Vol. 3 is now live online!

"The internet can be a pretty big place. cosine will offer a different perspective in the way we all search & consume our information.
cosine's angle is to bring artists & designers alike together in the online world by providing tidbits, e-zines, an online gallery, as well as the latest news about exhibitions from the offline world, as current as possible - forming a synergy for the Australian art & design community."

To download your own copy of Cosine, visit

Cosine Vol. 3 Launch

On the 27th October, my friend Costa launched the third volume of his online zine, Cosine. The launch was held at Pocket Bar, Darlinghurst. Free Tigers were consumed in abundance and the bar reached capacity much more quickly than expected. I contributed some A3 prints of my Lovers series, posted on this blog a couple of months ago. Managed to sell all three, possibly due to their ultra low price...$20 a print. Bargain! 

November 5, 2010

Appreciating People who Appreciate Art

The Appreciating People who Appreciate Art Camouflage Suit (APAACS) was created as a parodic comment on the superficial nature of Art appreciation in Sydney. The suit enables the wearer to adopt the aesthetic of four stereotypical Art appreciator ‘breeds’ that one would encounter regularly on the streets of Sydney.  The User’s Guide, which you can look through below,  is an ironic dissection of the inner workings of Art appreciation with the central message that people who appreciate Art are often less interested in appreciating Art than in appreciating themselves as Art appreciators and that to become an Art appreciator you need only look the part. 


Blind Day's Wonder

Final installation project of the semester. The assignment was to create a trio of large scale sculptures which explored materiality and the effects of placement on the spatial identity of objects. My objects were a vinyl phallus, a cellophane condom rug and a nipple cushion, illuminated by icicle lights. Fetishistic textiles.  

Pineapple Park Posse: Sanctuary

On the 22nd of November at 6:00 PM, Adrian Clement and James Gatt of Pineapple Park will be presenting their first work with the Pineapple Park Posse at Carriage Works in Sydney, Australia as part of the COFA annual. The following photographs are part of a shoot I did with Adrian and James at Paddington Reservoir, and are intended to illustrate the costume, makeup and general aesthetic of the collective group. It was a cold morning.

To see more of Pineapple Park's projects, visit their website at